Storm 479’s Awesome Club Penguin Cheats | Hints | Glitches

July 30, 2009

Newspaper #198

Hi Guys! Here’s Newspaper #198! Tell me if you submit any stories for the Book Room!

Front Cover:

 np 198 front

Writing Contest:

np cool event 198


np 198 events

Don’t forget to click this banner to get a Free Club Penguin Membership:

-Storm 479

March 13, 2009

Newspaper #178+St. Patrick’s Day Party!

Hi! Sorry for not posting for a long time! I’ve been really busy…

Lets start with Newspaper #178!

Front Cover: (Click to enlarge)


Events: (Click to enlarge)


Now for the St. Patrick’s Day Party!

Here is the free item! The Shamrock Hat!


The other “free item” is the accordian! It’s member’s only though.


This is the member’s only room. (Click to enlarge)


Hope that helps!

-Storm 479